New Niece

It happened! My brother met the girl of his dreams, got married and had a baby!

A sweet baby girl, Sayla Mae.

We were thrilled to go meet our new, one day old niece and cousin. Of course I wanted my big girl camera with me, but I was also entering into our greeting very  gently. After all, it was a sweet new baby with exhausted parents. As I knocked on the hospital room door and instructed the rest of my eager family members to wait in the hall while I assessed the situation, I was greeted with my brother's hands and arms swaddling the baby. My heart melted and I quickly grabbed the shot. Moments like this happen in a blink and are meant to be savored forever! I hope this captures a memory of Sayla's first hours for them. I know I'm touched.

(Born May 24, 2013- I'm back writing. Catching up from completing a new house build and move)

Website-Matt and Sayla-6479
Website-Matt and Sayla-6479